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2진수와 16진수로 변환해주는 프로그램 오늘은 간단하게 10진수를 2진수와 16진수로 바꿔주는 프로그램을 간단하게 만들어 보았습니다. 16진수로 변환하는 함수 : Hex() 2진수로 변환 : modulo를 이용해서 실행결과 4달 동안 학원에 다닌 결과물로 프로젝트를 수행중인데 제가 맡은 부분 1. VB2005f를 사용하여 socket 을 이용한 멀티 메시지 프로그램 2. MSSQL2005 DB handling (시간이 되면 오라클로 하고 싶은데..시간이 없음..-.,-;;) 3. Crystal report를 이용한 멋진(?) 결과물 (예전에 많이 써 본 SAS 의 현란한 결과보고서에 비하면 턱없이 부족하지만..ㅋㅋ) 물론 내가 맡은 부분 관련하여 학원에서 알려준 부분은 2번의 간단한 사용법 정도지만...ㅋㅋ 1번은 했고 2번, 3번은...선행.. 2008. 7. 17.
memory management In the .NET environment What is the Garbage Collector? The Garbage Collector(GC) is a service that automatically reclaims unused memory. In the past, allocating and releasing object memory was the program’s responsibility. Unfortunately, many programs would allocate memory that they later failed to give back to the operating system. Even after the program ended, the memory remained allocated.. So a few Programmers some.. 2008. 6. 26.
using MyBase Hello, everyone. nice day, isn't it? This time , I'll explain how to use MyBase Class. MyBase Provides a way to refer to the base class of the current class instance. MyBase.New is used to explicitly call a base class constructor from a derived class constructor. In the derived-class constructor, the call to the base-class constructor must be the first statement. Otherwise, Visual Basic .NET wil.. 2008. 6. 25.
how about using Multiple Constructors to Support Different Parameters how about using Multiple Constructors to Support Different Parameters To initialize class member variables, programmers make extensive use of constructor methods. Normally, for a simple class, the constructor method will support a parameter for each key class member variable. Consider the following Book class that provides support for the title, author, publisher, price, pagecount, and Indate: s.. 2008. 6. 24.