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How to use Directory Class to make a new directory How to use Directory Class to make a new directory Public NotInheritable Class Directory Inherits System.IO The Directory class is a static class, which means you do not have to create an instance of a Directory class object in order to use the class methods. You just use the class. The following program, I used to directory class Exists method to determine if the specified directory exists. If .. 2008. 6. 30.
A destructor method in a class A destructor method in a class Within a class, a destructor method lets the class perform “cleanup” processing before the garbage collector(GC) releases the memory that holds an object. I explained GC through last lecture. Let’s refer to last lecture http://fromyou.tistory.com/entry/memory-management-In-the-NET-environment Well, To specify the processing you want a program to perform before an o.. 2008. 6. 26.
memory management In the .NET environment What is the Garbage Collector? The Garbage Collector(GC) is a service that automatically reclaims unused memory. In the past, allocating and releasing object memory was the program’s responsibility. Unfortunately, many programs would allocate memory that they later failed to give back to the operating system. Even after the program ended, the memory remained allocated.. So a few Programmers some.. 2008. 6. 26.
understand the inherited constructors of class Visual Basic .NET automatically will call the Base-class constructor method when the Derived-class constructor method starts. The following program, ThreeConstructors creates three classes named GrandParents, Parents, and Children. Class Parents inherits Class GrandParents, and Class Childern inherits Class Parents When you run the program, your screen will first display class GrandParents’const.. 2008. 6. 25.